Welcome to NoClone Touch Version Beta Testing!

We'd like to invite you to take part in our NoClone Touch Version (for Windows 8.x RT & Pro) beta testing program. With the support of beta testers, we are able to elevate our software solutions to a higher quality level before releasing them. As a participant, you can share your ideas, and together, we can create the best product possible. When you are accepted to join our Beta Testing Program, you'll enjoy the following benefits:
  1.  Getting a look at the new product before anyone else;
  2.  The pleasure of finding unsuspected bugs and providing your suggestions;
  3.  Improving the newest software as a result of testing;
  4.  Receive a free copy of NoClone Touch Version once it's released.

How to Participate:

Please fill the form below, submit your request and we will send you the installation file through email.  
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* 電郵地址:
* 名:
* 姓:
若你要求停止收取我的資訊,Reasonable NoClone 保證將永久移除你的電郵地址。