Welcome to NoClone Touch Version Beta Testing!

We'd like to invite you to take part in our NoClone Touch Version (for Windows 8.x RT & Pro) beta testing program. With the support of beta testers, we are able to elevate our software solutions to a higher quality level before releasing them. As a participant, you can share your ideas, and together, we can create the best product possible. When you are accepted to join our Beta Testing Program, you'll enjoy the following benefits:
  1.  Getting a look at the new product before anyone else;
  2.  The pleasure of finding unsuspected bugs and providing your suggestions;
  3.  Improving the newest software as a result of testing;
  4.  Receive a free copy of NoClone Touch Version once it's released.

How to Participate:

Please fill the form below, submit your request and we will send you the installation file through email.  
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* Email:
* First name:
* Last name:
Country or Region:
Web address(URL):
Upon request of un-subscription, Reasonable NoClone guarantees the permanent removal of your email address from our email list.
We collect your information for communication purpose only and will not share or sell your email information with any other parties.